Estadio Magazine Inc is a 501 (C) 3 non-profit organization. Donations to Estadio Magazine Inc are tax deductible.
Online Donations
You can donate online. Click the link and fill out the form. Then we will send you access to give online via email.
Simply enter in your amount and select donate now.

Giving Options
Amazon Smile
Amazon Smile is a program that donates 0.5% of your eligible purchases to our Nonprofit. Amazon Smile will NOT cost you more. It is simply shopping with an added benefit of supporting Estadio Magazine Inc. as your non-profit charity.
How you can help:
- Simply designate Estadio Magazine Inc as your charity by visiting:
- When you shop on amazon be sure to checkout at
It is still the same Amazon with the same product and prices, they simply designate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to your charity of choice. Please choose Estadio Magazine Inc as your designated charity.
Give a One-Time Gift
You can give a one-time donation online by giving via a debit or credit card.
Where to Give
Mail-In Donations
Please make check or money order out to: Estadio Magazine Inc Please mail your donation to:
Estadio Magazine Inc
3705 A Dustin Ct. Killeen, TX 76549